Tsunami in Japan first person FULL raw footage


This is the full raw footage filmed by some Japanese people on friday March 11th, 2011, during the tsunami which occured in northern Japan, following the 8.9 magnitude earthquake.
According to the video, it was filmed in the Miyagi Prefecture (宮城) in the city of Kesennuma (気仙沼市) which has 74,000 inhabitants.


mazza 2.2

Regular Member
And we have the right to complain when a few flakes of snow fall................not.

We're lucky in this country we get nothing like that and if we did it would be interesting to see how well we'd cope with it. :think:


We wouldn't cope. It would all go to s**t. There was a piece in one of the papers the other day, showing one of their motorways that had been destroyed by the quake. It only took them 7 days to rebuild the whole thing!

mazza 2.2

Regular Member
Only 7 days! Wow they must have been working around the clock and all hands on deck aswell. But when the countries infrastructure depends on it then it must be done.
I really dont think we'd cope that well as a nation i hate to admit, we complain too much and expect everything right away. :confused: