Crap night to say the least!


Regular Member
Got kicked out of my house by the police last night!!

The guy up stairs had died around 29 days ago, is electric ran out about the same time, he was fused to the sofa where he died.

we had 5 police cars, Crime scene guys, ambulance... and a host of others there....

we bailed to my partners sisters, on the way out i was calling my partner a suspect under my breath, police thought it was quite funny, she did'nt!!

anyway, they could not move him and had to wait to get back in my place today as he's propper stuck in there!! nice!

4 hrs sleep on an armchair to add to it!

totally mucked up my whole weekend now, so if you live near me please dont drink 2ltr's of vodka a day........ and be a p**shead!!


Regular Member

We said to them if there worried to call the police as we have had to in the past........ they did, they kicked the door in, it smelt bad!

Matt said:
Doesn't sound good mate, did a neighbour upstairs call the police then?


Regular Member
you know it bud!!!

family were most up set, worst thing is, he wont even be missed, he was a drunk and just maid trouble for him self, he used to do a lot for the community, but after loosing his wife and kids he fell to bits............... sad to say the least


Regular Member
if you have no dreams = then it's game over i am afraid, where would you be with out them? no dreams - no goals, nothing to keep you going or motivated.... thank god for the astra :clap:


Former Staff
Senior Member
Very sad story. I've watched SOCO programs about how people are found weeks after dying. The decomposition of the body is quite horrendous. What an awful thing for the family to have witnessed. May he rest in peace now.


Senior Member
Been thinking more about this as the days have gone by....going through ups & downs out here, depending on work load etc.
I really miss home some days, the lads here are a laugh, but really miss the companionship I get when with Kate. (& the lovin`!!!)
To end up alone is something I couldn`t bare to think about, but I know the time will come. We`ve all got to loose a partner sometime.
Just hope I`ve still family and friends around me when that horrid time arrives.


Former Staff
Senior Member
FFS Drakey!! There'll be less of that kind of talk mate. You've got a long time ahead of you yet and lots more to see and do with a beautiful wife and child. You'll be home soon. I've thought about some very dark things in the past and at the time you can't seem to see the logic, its too easy to go down. Don't get yourself bogged down mate, keep your knob flying!!



Regular Member
Drakey...... I think your a long way off, I have lost my wife and child a few years ago, but you have to get on with life, nothing stops, you have to get on with life or it will just forget about you, make the most of what you have, and if s**t does hit the fan......... dust your self and get on with it


Senior Member
bigstring said:
Drakey...... I think your a long way off, I have lost my wife and child a few years ago, but you have to get on with life, nothing stops, you have to get on with life or it will just forget about you, make the most of what you have, and if s**t does hit the fan......... dust your self and get on with it

If your a strong person i think you can, but not everybody can be that strong and some people do need friends & family around them to get through things..


Senior Member
Sh1t, sorry Big string, don`t get me wrong I`m not comapring by any means what I feel being away from the family to loosing them completely, just trying to mirror what others were saying that it must be awful if you haven`t got the strength to carry on, or people around you that do care.
Plus I was hopefully thinking a long way off.....

.....sorry if this sounded a bit of an off the cuff comment.