Supercharged Help


Regular Member
Im thinking of putting a supercharger on my Astra coupe but havent got the first idea of what i need or what precautions i have to take before i fit it i.e if i need different parts before fitting,if there is a certain bhp i need before fitting etc.

If anyone could post a list of exactly what i need it would be appreciated as i cant afford just to fork out loads of money so will have to buy things bit by bit.

Any help would be much appreciated thanks Danny


I am also building a SC into my Astra 2.2 with a limited budget

Are there more Astra 2.2 SC, except courtenays Astra?

I already have the supercharger and inlet (second hand from the USA). I paid 580 euro's incl. shipping. (460 GBP) and bought 4 injectors from a scrappy

I hope te start in October (this year :razz: )