Odd OBD reading


Car is running like s**t so changed a bad looking plug still the same so I borrowed a coil pack off one that runs sweet the same then the EML came on but it's telling me it's the camshaft sensor??? They don't have one so is it the crankshaft sensor?
Going to see if my dad will plug his snap on ethos on it later but need to find a part what do you guys think?


Senior Member
The camshaft sensor code usually comes up when you use an aftermarket coil pack.

You need to use a genuine coil pack as it's something inside it that reads crankshaft position


Used a working original coil pack the vaux guy I know doesn't think it's crank sensor bit wants 30 to diagnose it he's just put on a new ecu


Senior Member
... the EML came on but it's telling me it's the camshaft sensor?

What error code is the OBD reader giving you currently?

As mentioned by IDI AMIN above, usually the error means the coil pack has failed or an aftermarket unit has been used which don't have the correct sensor. There is no camshaft sensor on the Z22SE.

Replace with a genuine GM coil pack only which has the proper CSI (Compression Sense Ignition) sensor developed by Delphi.

Genuine GM part #:
Ignition Control Unit Module - 12567686 (or 12580537)

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