
hello guys i am brand new to this forum a guy recommended me to join here for my z22se questions so thanks for the membership :D

I've recently got a vectra c 2.2 z22se i want more power out of it its boring since im used to drive an old bmw e32 750 with 450+ so i need a bit more out of this one :D
so far i have thought of doing the following
port/polish throttle body
brand new home made exhaust stainlesstel metal
im planning to make my own prefomance manifold and move the catalytic till under the car with a 400 cell and then a middle silencer and 2 rear silencer in 2.5"
then i was thinking of another filter system just cant figure what type.
and my most annoying question i cant find an awnser to.
i have read a billion post about fitting a 2.4 inlet manifold BUT what F engine is it from and engine code so i can find it on ebay or if im lucky at the local crap dealer

and any other idear is taken with gratitude.
besides turbo and compressor


Okay what car is the le5 in so i can go look at the local yard Maybie i could be Lucky since [emoji2]
The camshaft Will be change later on When im done with the rest [emoji2]

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I just thought of cutting of the EGR.
But do i have to do it in the ecu or can i just do it with a blind plate ?

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I kind of find one but they cost 400$ at zzp, do you guys know somewhere cheaper ?especially in europe, i've heard that the antara 2.4 manifold should do the trick?


hi guys, i got a 2.4 and a 65mm tb for the vectra c. As expected, it does not go well without remap and there are problems to do so. any advice? Ecu 12571662AK Delco