injector size


slindborg said:
whats the part number for stock 2.0 S/C injectors?

2.0 sc injector part number = 12790827

cheaper on search for.. ss injector, cobalt injector etc

ps: I've edited the top post to add the part number, it's so hard to find it buried in a thread :roll:


Regular Member
vocky said:
the ecu will not adjust to the 2.0 sc injectors, so a tms remap is a must

Some 280cc injectors (I wonder what the 2.4 has notsure.gif ) might work on a standard ecu dunno..

any luck finding out what size injectors the 2.4 uses?


vocky said:
the 'auto learn' feature is disabled on all z22se remaps as far as I can find out dunno..

This ECU it has both long and short term fuel correction. We always leave it active in our maps,we find on normally aspirated its best left in place.


Regular Member
A11VXL said:
vocky said:
the 'auto learn' feature is disabled on all z22se remaps as far as I can find out dunno..

This ECU it has both long and short term fuel correction. We always leave it active in our maps,we find on normally aspirated its best left in place.

Is that the only auto learn feature that is in the ECU? Do you have any idea how much change is allows for (not taking other components like injectors into account)?




I`ve been in contact with the guys at the US forums to check out how big the 2.4 injectors are etc. they say the 2.4 and 2.2 are the same dunno..
But if I were looking for something between the 2.2 and 2.0SC the guys at are the rigth people to contact.


Regular Member
if you have vehicles powered by the 3.8 litre pushrod GM engine they have slightly larger injectors and they might help. You will need the 3800 series 2 injectors they are 2 lb/hr larger than the standard L61/z22se injectors.

in the US the L61/Z22se is speced out as 19lb/hr injectors the 3800 is 21 lb/hr


philip1 said:
if you have vehicles powered by the 3.8 litre pushrod GM engine they have slightly larger injectors and they might help. You will need the 3800 series 2 injectors they are 2 lb/hr larger than the standard L61/z22se injectors.

in the US the L61/Z22se is speced out as 19lb/hr injectors the 3800 is 21 lb/hr

So wich car has got the 3.8litre engine??

Europa Blue SE1

Senior Member
I'm looking into getting these injectors but also I am getting cams my mechanic deals with Kent but I really don't have a clue which cams to go for has anyone got any thoughts on which cams would be best to run just peoples personal oppinions! Thanks guys...


Europa Blue SE1 said:
I'm looking into getting these injectors but also I am getting cams my mechanic deals with Kent but I really don't have a clue which cams to go for has anyone got any thoughts on which cams would be best to run just peoples personal oppinions! Thanks guys...
kent cams don't make z22se cams, only the old x22xe / x20xe / x18xe cast iron block engine type which DO NOT FIT....

Europa Blue SE1

Senior Member
Thanks for that vocky that's put Kent out the window :roll: then what cams would you advise mate or are they all really about the same was looking at those shcrick cams and springs notsure.gif also one other thing sorry to be a pain but is the head going to have to be done? just in the near future I'm gonna have the S/C conv done and remember Mark W saying to Johnny about his head if the head does need done is it pricey to get a new one or would getting one from a scrappys be safe?Just wandering as I don't want to spend a fortune on mods that will have to be took out when it comes to me getting the S/C was hoping it would have been done by now but sods law I got inundated wit bills etc... :evil:
I'm not exactly mechanicly minded can do as much as a service but anything else I need the Old Man to help as he was a mechanic but everything's changed from his day he :oops:


Do we use saturated or peak & hold injectors?
Could this one work?




philip1 said:
if you have vehicles powered by the 3.8 litre pushrod GM engine they have slightly larger injectors and they might help. You will need the 3800 series 2 injectors they are 2 lb/hr larger than the standard L61/z22se injectors.

in the US the L61/Z22se is speced out as 19lb/hr injectors the 3800 is 21 lb/hr

Has anyone tried this? There are loads of these engines in AUS, and the injectors are cheap!
Does anyone have a photo of the standard z22se injectors for comparrison?