Thanks for your reply Sjdickso,
In fact, I don't care about numbers at all. So I'm not mad at you cheers.. All I know is that the dyno run at Hitec in Germany resulted in 123,9 kW after the listed mods. I don't have measurement of the car being stock so nothing to compare unfortunately.
Thanks for the advice to further improve the intake side. That also fits my intention to spend little money in effective tuning.
I'll see if I can find a company doing TB porting (doubt I can do that myself even without having 2 left feet I'm a total noob when it comes to metal treatment)
I've also read somewhere to turn the TB so it opens with the air flow. Does that make sense at all? Is it easy to do that, I mean is it simply turn and bolt on?
Regarding the intake pipe I'll go for the Vectra C pipe (like the original look) it's round instead of the original oval pipe and has a nice 90° bend without being a bottleneck right above the TB.
Only issue is that there's no possibility to connect the FPR hose, that's why I thought about doing the FPR mod with new one way valve and seperate connector or drill a whole into the intake and glue the connector in there.
Also unsure whicht air filter to take.
Anyone got experience with the dbilas system? Pic source is Regal Autosport Cause I thought going for the Z16LET Airbox
Pic source is SH Fahrzeugtechnikmight improve airflow and still leave the original stock look.
As for cams, I'd like to stay cheap but reliable (I know it's an original thought) but more important not too aggressive so I assume Piper regrind is the #1 choice? Do they ship to Germay? Do I need to replace Valve springs?
OK no injectors needed < 200 bhp
What about the cat? Just want to make sure further improvement of intake side makes sense even with stock cat!?