after picking up an accident damage 2011 insignia 4x4 1 of 10 now 1 of 8 i decided to fix it up and use is as daily car
here are lots and lots of pic from the last couple of months

it came on the back of a truck with to my only surprise a gen3 block the LDK engine

lots of little bits to fix

holes and scratches on most panels

had to cut the tyre off the wheel to drive it off the truck

it was pretty beat up

lower wishbone bent

main cooling rad poped

10ton jack kit pushing it straght

getting close

very close to the original position

long way to go

plenty to do on the inside to

a very good friend of mine called me to say he was breaking an insignia so i rushed up there to scavenge some parts

took the trusty plasma cutter and bought the front corner home

at least if i needed any metal parts i have all the bits to replace the damaged parts

bumper headlight and a long list of parts in stock and ready to be fitted

diesel a/c pump to replace the one i used for the astra

crash bar and the extensions

inner tie rod was bent so that got replaced

as the car was ex police i took to decommission it as a police car and removed all the extra wiring

getting there

replaced the broken headlamp plug

even more wires

took the seat and carpet out then wet vacced them

chop chop more wires coming out

replacement door on

a complete car again on the outside

stud welder to try and fix the sil

close but no cigar

5 control units hidden in a bracket behind the dash

i guess that all of it

engine bay cleaning

that will do me

more carpet cleaning

found enough change in the car to buy a new front number plate

back seats were a mess

up front looking better

back seats now clean

took the blue light out the head light then sealed it up

serviced the haldex clutch

normal dirt in the case

didn't have time to wait for a new filter from europe so cleaned it out

had enough oil left over from doing the other diff

new cabin filter and aircon bomb to freshen the inside up

also got the dvd800 head unit the car never came with a radio just got to get this one decoded and recoded to this car

nearly time for mot

it passed the mot and then got a replacement bonnet

even got a different bumper without the anpr holes in

front pads were past there sell by date so stripped the twin pot TRW calipers and cleaned them up

disc hub and edge painted to give it the fresh look 337mm discs

genuine TRW pads altho not the TX range

sliders were bit dry

i do like a clean set of brakes

drivers side looks like it had a sticky pad


after after

now on to the body work the police aerial had to go but put a blank in a welded it in place

what hole lol

quite a few dents in this side

trying to keep the body line

other side was even worse

guide coat to find the dips and bumps

like that

nearly done

rear bumper had a nasty score mark

plastic filler

prepping for paint

colour going on then top coat


at 1st i thought the back end was bent turns out i had not fitted the bumper in the slot right DOH!

moving onto the rear quater

thats made that bit look great

pretty close match to the original paint

and at least its shiny

now to fix the dented sil got a whole sil as a replacement

rear door off for better access

chop chop

the door jam was bent in a little some angle iron show the extent of the damage

not any more

repair patch cut from the replacment sil

made sure it all lined up

inside was cleaned and painted with cold galvanizing paint

factory stone guard removed

test fit

tacked in place

fully stitched in the weld sits under the rubber door seal

under side welded the same

upol #10 stone guard applied to match the factory stuff

cant wait to get this full side painted

more soon
here are lots and lots of pic from the last couple of months

it came on the back of a truck with to my only surprise a gen3 block the LDK engine

lots of little bits to fix

holes and scratches on most panels

had to cut the tyre off the wheel to drive it off the truck

it was pretty beat up

lower wishbone bent

main cooling rad poped

10ton jack kit pushing it straght

getting close

very close to the original position

long way to go

plenty to do on the inside to

a very good friend of mine called me to say he was breaking an insignia so i rushed up there to scavenge some parts

took the trusty plasma cutter and bought the front corner home

at least if i needed any metal parts i have all the bits to replace the damaged parts

bumper headlight and a long list of parts in stock and ready to be fitted

diesel a/c pump to replace the one i used for the astra

crash bar and the extensions

inner tie rod was bent so that got replaced

as the car was ex police i took to decommission it as a police car and removed all the extra wiring

getting there

replaced the broken headlamp plug

even more wires

took the seat and carpet out then wet vacced them

chop chop more wires coming out

replacement door on

a complete car again on the outside

stud welder to try and fix the sil

close but no cigar

5 control units hidden in a bracket behind the dash

i guess that all of it

engine bay cleaning

that will do me

more carpet cleaning

found enough change in the car to buy a new front number plate

back seats were a mess

up front looking better

back seats now clean

took the blue light out the head light then sealed it up

serviced the haldex clutch

normal dirt in the case

didn't have time to wait for a new filter from europe so cleaned it out

had enough oil left over from doing the other diff

new cabin filter and aircon bomb to freshen the inside up

also got the dvd800 head unit the car never came with a radio just got to get this one decoded and recoded to this car

nearly time for mot

it passed the mot and then got a replacement bonnet

even got a different bumper without the anpr holes in

front pads were past there sell by date so stripped the twin pot TRW calipers and cleaned them up

disc hub and edge painted to give it the fresh look 337mm discs

genuine TRW pads altho not the TX range

sliders were bit dry

i do like a clean set of brakes

drivers side looks like it had a sticky pad



after after

now on to the body work the police aerial had to go but put a blank in a welded it in place

what hole lol

quite a few dents in this side

trying to keep the body line

other side was even worse

guide coat to find the dips and bumps

like that

nearly done

rear bumper had a nasty score mark

plastic filler

prepping for paint

colour going on then top coat


at 1st i thought the back end was bent turns out i had not fitted the bumper in the slot right DOH!

moving onto the rear quater

thats made that bit look great

pretty close match to the original paint

and at least its shiny

now to fix the dented sil got a whole sil as a replacement

rear door off for better access

chop chop

the door jam was bent in a little some angle iron show the extent of the damage

not any more

repair patch cut from the replacment sil

made sure it all lined up

inside was cleaned and painted with cold galvanizing paint

factory stone guard removed

test fit

tacked in place

fully stitched in the weld sits under the rubber door seal

under side welded the same

upol #10 stone guard applied to match the factory stuff

cant wait to get this full side painted

more soon