Evo IX is hit by a Seagull during Top Speed run.


Stupid Bollocks
yep thats what happent to my evo,
i was driving along and a tree jumped out in front of me
Dam trees lol


Senior Member
That bird-strike happened at Marham where I`m working, blatting down the runway, they always set up track days and organise events as our section boss is a big car fanatic (Honda NSX)
We`ve had Enzos` and all sorts beating the runway.
On the same day as the birds death a 700bhp Evo dumped it`s drive-shaft 5mins after start up - Gutted!


Senior Member
Bit rude, sorry :oops:
The Evo looks proper bad Evocarlos, hope all was ok and you weren`t badly injured.
Gorgeous car but at least they`re replaceable.


Stupid Bollocks
true but at a cost of £30,000 lol and I'm OK now thanks drakey... i still miss it awesome car ... and i no just how that seagull felt lol :D :D


Regular Member
When I worked on 55 Sqn at Marham the suicidle seagulls would end up down the jet engines pain in the bum to clean up, but it meant we could thrash the Victors engines to see if all was OK. :evil:


Senior Member
Take it your a Sooty then?
Not my trade but I`ve seen in a few aircraft in with guts & feathers decorating the inside of an engine. Really messy and damn smelly.
Victor! young pup I`m afraid, nice gate gaurdian outside SHQ still though.


Regular Member
Yep! done my 22 years after 9/11 not many jobs available also fancied a change of career, worked at a secondhand car dealers for a year then got a job at the local vxl dealership.


Senior Member
Just done 11yrs so 11 to go!
Really settled in Norfolk but as an Avionics technician unsure of job prospects should I bin out at any time.
Handy working for vxl though, I wouldn`t mind that or trying for Lotus.
As you know though the moneys not bad if you don`t mind the random bull*hit every now and then, so I can see me doing at least my 22.


Regular Member
Problem if you stay in the a/c industry then firms will realise that you`re on a pension and the pay will be low, but if you choose a different path then most firms will pay you what you`re worth to them. Also you don`t have to think about how good your flt sgt is at assessment time. Keep on slinging in those black boxes. cheers..


Senior Member
Old post but just found out today that it was my mate from college back in Essex (1991-1993) that was driving his evo with the bird splat, just caught up with him on face book after nearly 10 years, wealthy mutha with a 911 turbo now and off to the ring this weekend where he's in a 6 hr endurance race.

His old man own (or owned) an rs200 that I got the honour of sitting in on a visit to the mansion lol

Mark Dj

Former Staff
Senior Member
At least he is ok, the Evo was a nice car. I was out in my Astra the other week and a pigeon his my Astra windscreen. I was lucky nothing happened, just a bit of shock. I was luck the screen never smashed.


Senior Member
I know this id an old thread but its been linked from another and its the first time ive seen that tree. I didnt like trees to start with....after seeing that pic i really down like em