Quick check, is to bridge the plug that comes off the switch with a paper clip if lights work then it`s the switch if not bugger you`ve got a wiring fault.
With the car on the ground, grab hold of the top of the rear wheel with both hands and move in and out if you get movement then the rear arms are worn...quite common. Next check the rear springs as they break...very common. If you have a full service history, lowish mileage and the car`s 5 years...
I got one of the painters to spray the complete center console piano black looks great...........but shows the dust though. I think that the plastic is already coloured.
I`ve got the complete piper set-up on my Astra well worth every penny and it is a good fit. Funny thing though the EML hasn`t come on yet and I aint been hanging about either.
Use silicone sealant as it`s only the crankcase breather. If it was mine that`s what I`d do and knowing vxl parts depts they won`t have the gasket in stock anyway.
Hi, Robo I`ve got front and rear lights off my astra doing nothing in my garage but taking up space. The fronts are the chrome ones and the rears are standard ones.
ZV 3, it was cheaper for me to get them from the local Ford garage than buy them from our garage. That was for 4 though, and the 17 in wheels cost me £0 as they were Vectra C SRI alloys on a Vectra B that was going to the auction (it was a part/ex) so I put my old Astra SRi alloys on it. :D
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